Saturday, January 28, 2023

Music Marketing Blog

 For our Music Marketing project my team and I were tasked with the pop music genre. Now we had to make a music video with the song "We are Young" by the group "Fun", this had to be done as a new band and as if it was their first song, we are supposed to be the publishers of this new song, we had to compilr research on different companies for music marketing, and create a presentation in order to "sell" our band, advertize it. First, we started with creating a document in which we put all research info, which would be later transfered into the presentation, research info included bands such as BTS, and artists such as Taylor Swift. After we decided to finish off our Music video.

 During the music video we utilized several tools and elements in order to facilitate the production, since we had no other days in common to work together. One of these being the consistent cuts, not just to make it easier, but to make the video more emotional, since a single long shot of band members performing is not as interesting as several short cuts with different angles and lighting. Apart from all that the fact that we decided to film the video in a storytelling way, made it into a more entertaining one, this also makes it so our brand is more recognizable. Now if it wasnt for the following document we hadnt been able to get organized and gotten our ideas in the same path.

With our team organized, and the techniques/brand info in mind, we were ready to begin with the actual production of the video. First we created a groupchat to organize ourselves with out schedules, next we began to do the storyboard for the video and a timeline with the lyrics of the song. With begining the music video development during the first week we felt lime we had an advantage, since we were getting done with a huge part of the project, we began filming the project on Saturday and finished on the same day. Here are some images of both storyboard and video shots.

With our storyboard done, and filming done too, we had to finish up the actual presentation and also the research on the other brands, now we divided the sections of the project with out teammates, so this process was smooth and didnt take really long. Before we knew it our teammate Lorenzo had done the research paper for the brands whilst Josh and Camila had done their good share of the editing, I was put in charge of the presentation, with creating it and sharing it, while also putting in the necessary info and sources, my team and I felt really confident on our project. Now we haven't finished yet, but we believe that we will finish soon and well.

Creative Critical Reflection

 Here is, the final part, my CCR it is one podcast, and one youtube style video, answering questions  - PODCAST...